Of Food, Land and Dreams

Accepting Cycles

Big, fluffy snowflakes fell from the sky and quickly covered the sidewalks, gravel alleyways and brown grass along the route back to my apartment. Though not wearing appropriate clothing for winter weather, I was warm from jogging and euphoria.


My apartment in a snow storm

I still remember that euphoria a year later. I had walked to the gym, completed a high intensity work-out and during the jog back home, started to feel my metabolism easily shift into ketogenesis. It was a body-mind connection that felt so interconnected to my environment. There were no more plants to eat, only animals– and I was a well-equipped, warm-blooded winter-beast.

After weeks of jogging through the snow to work-out I felt I had established a brand new level of fitness and lifestyle. The money I received as a Christmas present was used to buy sashimi-grade fish that I would wolf-down raw with a brown banana post-workout. My recovery time was untouchable and I made more gains than I had before or since then. I was never sore, my arthritis symptoms completely disappeared and I glowed with health. Continue reading